Wednesday, January 21, 2009

'Round & 'Round & 'Round & 'Round the World

Elvis the Element is a heckuva vehicle, the best and most fun automobile I've ever had. It's roomy, dependable, efficient and fun to drive. Mr. Wizard calls it my 'purse on wheels' because I stash all the items I can't live without (that are too big to fit in my teensy purse) in its confines. Need an umbrella? A flashlight (or three)? Toilet paper? Quilt? Bottle of water? Raincoat? Yup, these and many more items live inside Elvis.

A couple of weeks ago the Element's odometer reached a milestone: 111,111 miles. Yes, 111,111. Now I'm not all that swift at math, so bear with me, but according to my calculations (and if there were no Atlantic or Pacific oceans), I could have driven Elvis clear around the world--at the equator, no less--more than four times. Only, nearly every mile (except for the occasional trip into Ojinaga, Chihuahua, Mexico) driven was in Texas. It's a big ol' state. Whew, am I tired!

And except for human error (I'm lookin' at you, Mr. W!), Elvis has never been in the shop for repairs. We've had awfully good luck with the two Hondas we've owned, and odds are when Elvis finally bites the dust and goes to that big garage in the sky, we'll most likely consider another. Hmm, wonder if the Honda folks need us to do a testimonial?

So, when I say I'm in my element out here in the desert, I probably am. In my Element, that is.


Fandango Travelers said...

Yea for Elvis! Yea for you! I'm kind of nerdy about numbers and just love it when I notice fun numbers on the odometer. The other day I needed the reading for fueling and it was 215512. Thought that was pretty cool.
And 4 times around the equator - whew - are you tired?!?!

maewestern said...

I have to admit, I thought long and hard about this post, knowing full well that you and Tony drive many, many, MANY more miles than that in such a short time! At the rate I drive, it takes me a year to get around the world (in my mind only!).


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